Silver king Resort and conference center and adjacent properties reservations:  888.667.2775

when making reservations be sure to mention you are with the eyeski conference for discounted rates

Advantages to these properties

EyeSki​ Conference

There are many lodging options in Park City. Our host hotel and meeting venue is Silver King Resort and Conference Center.

All CE lectures and workshops, breakfast sessions, and social events will be held at Silver King Resort and Conference Center, where lodging accommodations are offered. We urge you to book your room as soon as possible online or by calling 1-888-667-2775.

You will not need to rent a vehicle to have fun in park City! Visit Canyon Transportation shuttles from the Salt Lake City airport directly to Park City hotels or call 801-255-1841  to reserve your ride. A free bus service to town and other resorts is available about 200 yards from The Shadow Ridge Resort entrance.

Significant discounted rates

Easy access to the slopes

Adjacent to the free bus line

​No car needed

Family friendly

​Updated accommodations